Meet the Team

  • Alicia Lantzy

    Owner and Principal Designer

    Favorite Food: Hummus from Louie on Demun. My mouth is actually watering thinking about it.
    Guilty Pleasure: True Crime podcasts.
    Secret Talent: I can have a full on conversation using only movie quotes with my brother and father.
    Favorite Love Song: “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston. An absolute masterpiece!
    What would your superhero power be? Hands down, talking to animals. I would give anything to know what, if anything, is going on inside of my dog, Frank’s, head.
    If you could have coffee with anyone, who would it be? Probably my Grandparents (or their parents). I have so many questions I wish I would have asked while they were still with us!

  • Laura Vechiarella

    Client Experience Specialist

    Favorite Food: What-A-Burger cheeseburger… what can I say, I’m from Texas!
    Guilty Pleasure: Playing Mario Kart.
    Secret Talent: I can read lips. I once had a full 20 min Facetime conversation with my grandma who didn’t know how to turn her mic back on.
    Favorite Love Song: “Keeper of the Stars” by Tracy Byrd
    What would your superhero power be? That’s an easy one. Flying!
    If you could have coffee with anyone, who would it be?
    Taylor Swift… or Justin Timberlake. I would simply pass out if I ever actually met either of them!

  • Hannah Lawless


    Favorite Food:
    Toast of all varieties… or fries!
    Guilty Pleasure:
    Cheesy country songs always and forever
    Secret Talent:
    Name that tune/finish the lyrics!
    Favorite Love Song:
    This Must Be The Place - Iron and Wine & Ben Bridwell version
    What would your superhero power be?
    Being in two places at once– No need to find a babysitter!
    If you could have coffee with anyone, who would it be? The LadyGang would be fun! Or can I do coffee with Alex Snodgrass followed up by wine with The LadyGang?!

  • Chad Mathis


    Favorite Food:
    Coming from an individual who loves all food, this is a hard one! It is a close race between any sort of Mexican fare, whether it be traditional or tex-mex and almost any sort of Japanese or Asian cuisine!
    Guilty Pleasure:
    I’ve never been a music fanatic, but put some Broadway show tunes on, and I am hooked!
    Secret Talent:
    I have always dabbled in art, but when I was younger, I quickly realized I had a knack for rendering characters and other objects to a tee just by looking at a picture! My parents always thought I was tracing the picture until they saw me do it in real time!
    Favorite Love Song:
    I Won’t Say (I’m in Love) - Hercules
    What would your superhero power be?
    If I was able to have total control over this superpower, I believe I would pick Telekinesis and Telepathy! I tend to be an anxious over-thinker, so if used strategically, I hope it would help relieve some of that!
    If you could have coffee with anyone, who would it be?
    As many celebrities or historical figures there are that I would love to meet, I truly believe I would want to have coffee with my Grandpa (my mom’s dad). He left this world too early, but he was one of the funniest, kindest, patient men I have ever met. He had as big a sweet tooth as I do, so I know how excited he would have been to know I went to Baking and Pastry school. I would most certainly bring some baked goods to have alongside our large cups of coffee!

  • Madi Sharp


    Favorite Food:
    Ice cream forever. Specifically Tillamook Cookies and Cream or Ben and Jerry's Half Baked.
    Guilty Pleasure:
    Canceling plans to stay home and hang out with my dogs.
    Secret Talent:
    Petting every single dog I see at the farmers' market. Or just in general, petting every single dog I see.
    Favorite Love Song:
    "Lover" by Taylor Swift
    What would your superhero power be?
    To snap my fingers and my whole house be clean!
    If you could have coffee with anyone, who would it be?
    Taylor Swift. I've loved her since 2009 and since we're roughly the same age, I feel like we've grown up alongside each other.

Head shots courtesy of Mitchell Bennett Photography.